Zen and the unsayable
Author:Mortensen, Chris Editor:D'Amato, Mario; Garfield, Jay L; Tillemans, Tom
Publisher:Oxford University Press Journal:Pointing at The Moon: Buddhism, Logic, Analytic Philosophy Year:2009
Yogic perception, meditation, and enlightenment
Author:Tillemans, Tom Editor:Emmanuel, Steven M
Publisher:John Wiley & Sons Journal:A Companion to Buddhist Philosophy Year:2013 volume(number), pages:290–306
Would it matter all that much if there were no selves?
Author:Martin, Raymond Editor:D'Amato, Mario; Garfield, Jay L; Tillemans, Tom
Publisher:Oxford University Press Journal:Pointing at The Moon: Buddhism, Logic, Analytic Philosophy Year:2009
Wittgenstein and Zen Buddhism: One Practice, No Dogma
Author:Read, Rupert Editor:D'Amato, Mario; Garfield, Jay L; Tillemans, Tom
Publisher:Oxford University Press Journal:Pointing at The Moon: Buddhism, Logic, Analytic Philosophy Year:2009
Why the Buddha Never Uttered a Word
Author:D'Amato, Mario Editor:D'Amato, Mario; Garfield, Jay L; Tillemans, Tom
Publisher:Oxford University Press Journal:Pointing at The Moon: Buddhism, Logic, Analytic Philosophy Year:2009
Why Did Bodhidharma Go to the East? Buddhism’s Struggle with the Mind in the World
Author:Garfield, Jay L
Journal:Sophia Year:2006 volume(number), pages:45(2), 61–80
What Is So Bad About Contradictions?
Author:Priest, Graham
Journal:Journal of Philosophy Year:1998 volume(number), pages:95(8), 410–426
What is it Like to be a Bodhisattva? Moral Phenomenology in Śāntideva’s Bodhicaryāvatāra
Author:Garfield, Jay L
Journal:Journal of the international association of Buddhist Studies Year:2010
What Are Mādhyamikas Refuting? Śāntarakṣita, Kamalaśīla et al. on Superimpositions (samāropa)
Author:Tillemans, Tom Editor:Tachikawa, Musashi; Hino, Shoun; Wada, Toshihiro
Publisher:Motilal Banarsidass Publishers Journal:Three Mountains and Seven Rivers: Prof. Musashi Tachikawa's Felicitation Volume Year:2004 volume(number), pages:225–237
Weighing the Butter, Levels of Explanation, and Falsification: Models of the Conventional in Tsongkhapa’s Account of Madhyamaka
Author:Newland, Guy Editor:The_Cowherds
Publisher:Oxford University Press Journal:Moonshadows: Conventional Truth in Buddhist Philosophy